Friday, September 7, 2012

Sweaty Palms!


I have my first math test this coming Wednesday so, that means it's study time! I usually get really nervous when it comes to tests, especially math tests. But, I will prepare myself as best I can. I have my Healthy Fish activity to study from as well as my Rock, Paper, Scissors activity. Oh and you can't forget the cute, little, fuzzy, vicious Pom Poms. My math homework questions will also help guide me as I study this weekend. The Monday before the test, some of my classmates will give presentations on different aspects of probability. This will be a great way to have a mini review. I will do my best because as Yoda once said......"There is no try, there is only do!" You can still wish me good luck though! :)


Side note: the other day my boyfriend was observing in my mother's second grade classroom and he was teaching the students three digit number place value. He used an interesting trick to help the students read the number. Say the number was 325. When the students would read the number they would say "three hundred, two, five." So to help the students, my boyfriend would cover up the first number or the three in this case, once the student said three hundred. After that, he would ask the students to read the next two numbers or 25 in this example. Finally, he told the students to put the numbers together. I know this doesn't really have to do with probability but I thought it was interesting and it is math related.

Until next time!




  1. Hey Lauren!
    I was feeling the same way about the math test! Math tests are always so intimidating! I also really liked what you put about what your boyfriend was doing in your mom's classroom. It's simple things like that that make learning so much easier for younger kids! And older ones too!
    -Michaealah Mazek

  2. O you are so making it to my blogroll for the simple fact that you have the most amazing little green man on here! Much to learn you still have! Oh yeah and what you wrote about your boyfriend's observation was awesome too!

  3. Lauren,

    I love that trick for teaching place value! I work with elementary aged kids, and it can be difficult for them to learn this concept. Great idea! I hope the math test went well for you :)

    -Kate Makris
